Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Military Respect

It's always nice to hear/read about people supporting our military & their families. Today's "two thumbs up" comes from a bluemooncafe blogger giving an account of his personal experience of shopping at Lowe's & Home Depot (both of which are supportive of our military!).

I don't know about the rest of my old time buddies here in AM, but every so often, I overload on the disrespect shown for our military men and women..
Of late though, I have begun to see an undercurrent of miltiary respect, for those fighting for our freedoms.
In less than a month, and I must confess it happened while shopping at Home Depot and Lowes-I have been amazed at the outpouring of support for our troops.
To make it clear, I carry a wallet; Marine style with emblem emblazoned in the middle and a picture of our Marine son on the opposite side. The first time, this happened, a young Home Depot, cashier noticed the emblem and asked if I was in the military...

Click here to read more of this post.
To the bluemooncafe Air Force veteran,
we thank you and your sons for serving our country.

1 comment:

Coach Mark said...

Thanks for the link to Blue Moon. It's a great read. Oh, and welcome to the Wednesday hero blogroll.